Residence permit in Romania

Рабочая виза в Румынию

A work visa to Romania is granted according to the general rules. It entitles to the employment in this country only, and not in all the countries of the European Union. Using a work permit for a legal work in some other European country is by no means possible.

«Awana Tours» migration center helps to obtain a residence permit in Romania and a work visa for foreign nationals from any country of residence as well as those residing on the basis of a temporary or permanent residence permit in Qatar.

A work visa for Europe provides a larger scale of opportunities to search for a better life for the nationals from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Vietnam and other countries of Asia, Africa and the Middle East. The main requirement to be met by the seekers of Romanian visa who arrived in the country is their legal stay. In this case the agency will provide tangible assistance in obtaining an urgent work visa for Europe.

Статистика страныStatistics

Statistics on the results of Awana Tours on the issuance of ID-cards for a temporary residence permit in Romania for 2021

  • 1366Total applications
  • 1360Visas issued
  • 6Rejected

Positive decisions made99.56%

Work, work visa and residence permit in Romania

based on employment for citizens of all countries

  1. Deadline for issuing a set of documents for obtaining a work visa:
    10-15 days (from the date of advance payment).
  2. Work visa validity:
    3 months (90/90) + obtaining an Id-card of a temporary residence permit (issued after 1-2 months of work).
  3. Registration price: 2500 euro – for foreigners of any country of residence!
  4. Required for work: men and women, couples under the age of 50. residence permit in Romania
  5. Place of work: Logistic warehouses of branded clothing (RESERVED, CROPP, HOUSE, MOHITO, SINSAY).
    Bucharest, Romania.
  6. Accommodation for employees is free, in apartments with all conveniences: from 2 to 4 people per room.
    Couples are provided with a separate room!
  7. Travel to and from work is free (by service bus).
  8. Schedule of work: 6 days a week, 8-11 hours a day, additional work is possible (optional), paid separately.
  9. Working hours (on average) 160-280 hours per month.
  10. Labor remuneration (average monthly wages) 650-1000 euro.
  11. Advances are issued after 2 weeks worked.
  12. Working conditions and responsibilities:
    • Working with new clothes: collecting and completing orders on invoices;
    • Operating the terminal (scanner);
    • Working on the move, “on your feet”;
    • Work experience is not required (training is free);
    • A close-knit friendly team. People have been working for years;
    • Respectful attitude and timely payment of labor;
    • Minimum level of knowledge of languages ​​(optional): English, Romanian, Russian;
    • Absolutely legal employment with payment of all taxes;
    • Uniform provided;
    • Medical care and insurance are paid by the company!

* A prerequisite: have a desire to work and earn!

Capabilities of «Awana Tours» migration center in visa support

Subject matter experts of the company with their practical experience in visa support service provide professional assistance to everyone who needs to go to one of the EU countries. And for all that it does not matter who needs the documents: the nationals of Nigeria or Congo, Egypt or Morocco, Yemen or Iraq. All required knowledge, practical expertise and professional qualifications of our experts with regard to each specific country make it possible to obtain visas under regular or accelerated procedure. If the client needs to obtain the documents under the accelerated procedure, our prices will stand out advantageously against similar offers in this field.

What the foreigners need to know to obtain a visa for work or residence in Europe

For non-residents, including the nationals of Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Nepal and others, it is important to observe the main rule – the passport must have a record certifying that the stay of foreign nationals in any European country is legal. If a foreigner has visited EU countries before, then the date stamp of border crossing should not be overdue.

While choosing the agency for submitting the documents for Romanian citizenship, make sure to enquire about the company history, work experience and level of proficiency of its employees. Even a single misprint or incorrectly completed document may come at a price both at the securing phase and after getting visa denial. The agent who has made the mistake cannot always recognize it and correct, while the amount of trouble can be rather significant.

The cooperation with the Consulate of the European state must be professional.

Required documents

Passport with the copies of all pages (international passport)Document of a resident of Qatar (temporary or permanent residence permit in Qatar) with the copies of all pages2 photos of a standard form (in colour)Statement of employment and earnings for the last six months Bank statement of available balance on a card/settlement account

Benefits of work with our agency

The specialists of our company provide full-fledged services in a timely manner with no interruption to the process and sequence of the procedures. A positive result is achieved even in case of extraordinary situations. Each of our clients gets the maximum attention and further help after the situation has been studied. A final payment is made after getting a final result and ID-card.

Benefits of securing a residence permit in Romania with «Awana Tours»:

  • Преимущества получения вида на жительство в Румынии через «VISA-SVIT»Expertise. Self-help efforts aimed at receiving a legal work and visa for Europe are often more costly to foreign nationals than making resort to qualified specialists, and what’s more, in this case the time of document securing extends over months.
  • Time saving. An Applicant will be able to focus on more important things rather than waste time on studying the procedure and securing.
  • Recommendations, preparation for the interview. Assistance of our experts will help you to avoid problems obtaining a work visa for any European country as well as to save on additional services.
  • Document preparation can be quick as well as urgent, even without visiting the company office.
  • Confidence and serenity. All the responsibility and areas of difficulty of the document securing process fall fully on your visa manager.
  • Additional service. The client won’t be needing to make the copies of the documents, to search for the insurance company and other service providers. A comprehensive service of our company takes into account all additional services and works according to a “single window” principle.
  • Payment. Step-by-step payment for services is provided for with the possibility to pay by instalments. You should know, that in cases of visa denial due to the client’s fault the payment is not refunded.
  • Collaboration after the denial. Even in case of a work visa denial, there is no need to despair and lose hope, as the international lawyers of our company will appeal to the Consulate, and thus final decision can always change to a positive one!
  • Legal work. Assistance and recommendations of the experts will help you not only to obtain a work visa to Romania, but also to carry out the process of securing a residence permit.

Although none of the companies dealing with work and other visa securing for EU countries is able to make 100% guarantees, in practice we really have very high success rate of securing without full prepayment. The secret of success is our specialists’ ability to work with the documents efficiently, knowledge of the laws and procedures of every European country, managing assertiveness and focus on success.

If a foreign country national needs a legal job in Europe and legalization of living in EU countries and does not want to deal with visa and ID-card securing on his/her own, the specialists of our centre will never refuse to help but offer professional assistance and advice. Thanks to the recommendations of our skilled specialists the Applicant will solve all current problems avoiding the mistakes on the way to achieving the goal of getting a job, work visa and residence permit in Romania.


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